The Jefferson School of Philosophy, Economics and Psychology
CIAO (California Institute for Applied Objectivism)
Objectivity (a journal on philosophy informed by modern science)
Aristos (a journal on the arts)
Monadnock Review (joy, reason and meaning in the arts, philosophy and life)
Final Cause (a periodical "dedicated to the arts and the intellect")
Enlightenment - dedicated to the advancement of Objectivist scholars and scholarship, and supplying online research resources such as dissertations, theses, and other academic treatises (an online archive)
Applied Objectivism (a collection of articles and addresses)
Apollo's Soapbox (a web site for "applied esthetics")
Objectivist online discussion groups
Objectivity Online (An Objectivist community website)
The Monadnock virtual community
Living Resources Psychotherapy Center
Chris Sciabarra's website
The Dual Foundationalist (Metaphysics and epistemology)
Tibor Machan's essays
Ari Armstrong's web page
Feminist Interpretations of Ayn Rand
hidden agenda a Klan mentality
(Article by Rebecca Stambanis
in the digital Collegian, April 19 1996)